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Hello, I am using GetErrorCount qrule, then a condition if the Result is 0 than zero, that does mean that form has a validation error. But it does not show up in any field, so anyone has any idea how we can find which field has the validation issue? I tried using GetErrors qrule, but it also does not...
I am using GetErrorCount to prevent users from submitting the form while it still has errors. but, once all the required fields are filled,the results node still shows 2 errors - not sure why. Has anybody else encountered this error?
Hi infopathic, Welcome to the forum! Nice handle. :) If I'm understanding the issue correctly, you want to use the GetErrorCount command using qRules, right? DbxlDocumentService is one of Qdabra's DBXL web services, and as far as I know, the GetErrorCount command does not require DBXL. In order...
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