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Hello, I'm trying to take a bunch of status reports, saved to a SharePoint library, query all of them to a view (query the data) I created in a form and then be able to provide the user with the capability to manipulate that data (pulled to the form, not affecting the list). For example, one section...
I am currently building a Timesheet form that is to be accessed from a SharePoint site. I have also created a Dashboard form that certain "Form Admins" can use to view and edit all of the submitted Timesheets (which are submitted through the DBXL service). I have built an Admin view into the...
I will be installing IP2010 soon and will be rebuilding from scratch a form that my company currently uses. In the form there is an "expense" section. normally only one technician works on a given job but occasionally there are more. I need to be able to have each technician's expenses...
Hi, I'm using infopath 2010. have to put an icon in the header and footer when print the form. the image field I put in the header don't trans to the icon. when print preview it shows mess data. any one knows why? Any help is appreciated! thanks.
Greetings members of the InfoPathDev community, I am new on sharepoint design. Could you please tell me if it is possible to move two sections in one horizontal position (One right next to the other)? also I have tried to reduce the size of the section and it only goes up to a certain size. Is there...
Hi, A wonderful resource you have created here - well done. I especially like the layout and design of the whole site - it's the best infopath knowledgebase around and puts Microsoft's "offerings/forums" to shame.
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