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I have created a form that is connected to a sharepoint website. I was wondering if there is anyway of printing out this form from sharepoint? Can I add a printing feature onto the form or something?
Attached is my form and I have a XML secondary data source. From it I have a field named "HotRevision_Temp", this field I want to work as a check box so that when the save button is pressed, I can set "DesignHotRevision" in the Main data source equal to "HotRevision_Temp"...
There is a website that has a form that seems to hide the second half of the form until the first half of the form is filled. From the picture, the PRD ID textbox to the Comments textbox does not appear when the item is first created. It appears after the new item is submitted. I want to recreate this...
In my most recent experience using infopath form publishing to a forms library using a publishing wizard to create a copy(Dev version)of the same list.
I created a dev forms library using the InfoPath form publishing wizard i experienced that if you create a forms library using wizard, any OOTBx columns...
I am getting the error "Failed to select the destination node" on my form. Here is the command I am using: Transform /sourceds=RepeatingTableData /destpath=/my:myFields/my:repeatingTable /xsltfile=LastWeeksData.xslt /excluderoot=true /placement=append Here is the error I'm getting: Transform...
Hey all! I have built an InfoPath form that when submitted stores to a form library with all the promoted fields, minus the attachment field. I know you cant promote the datatype Binary64 but I need some way to take the attachment and have it list itself under an attachment column along with the other...
Hello All, As per the Microsoft norms we can not use more than 8 person or group in our custom list. And my requirement was to place 18 Person or Group field form multi level of approval. So as a cheep trick, I had created a new custom list which contains all the mail IDs & i had used that as LOOKUP...
I have two date fields. One is auto populating as Today() in the form and other is the user input. Both are part of the promoted fields to the SharePoint 2010 Form library along with the rest of the columns during the form publishing to a content type. When Form Library is enabled to this content type...
I made some changes and saved the file. Now try to open again and I get the following error message Box and unable to open. How can I resolve this? The form definition (.xsf) file contains elements, attributes, or structures that are not valid. Error details: The keyref 'ruleSet_26' does not...
Hi! I am a beginner InfoPath user and I am stuck. I have a survey form that lists periodicals for several departments. Some departments can have over 20 periodicals listed. What I've tried to do was create a Summary View to display only those periodicals selected, preferably under their Department...