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i am working on already existing app that is not migrated to power apps. I have sharepoint lit with preparedby -single line text and approvedby person field column on form submission I want to save: preparedby and approvedby the name of the current loggedin user. I tried to use userName() on set fields...
Hi Hilary, a pleasure to greet you again, thank you for your answer and thanks for clarifying the concept of the XPath filter. About what you ask me, in the Sharepoint list there are these fields, NameArea (Name of the area), BackupType (Type of Backup) and Name (Who is the person), the drop-down brings...
Hi Hilary, thank you for your answer. Sorry for the delay in my response. I think I did not explain myself correctly, allow me to explain it in another way and provide more information. I have a field (Drop-Down List), which since it is loaded already comes with a query, this is its query. /dfs:myFields...
I have created a form that is connected to a sharepoint website. I was wondering if there is anyway of printing out this form from sharepoint? Can I add a printing feature onto the form or something?
In the New Item view, the default view, I have a secondary data source field which I want to use as a drop down list (Inventory Disposition). I am editing the choices but for some reason I can't set any of the choices as a default. What am I doing wrong?
When the item is first created I want to only show part 1. Afterward, I want part 2 to show and part wont show until all of the fields in part 3 are filled in. How can I approach this?
There is a website that has a form that seems to hide the second half of the form until the first half of the form is filled. From the picture, the PRD ID textbox to the Comments textbox does not appear when the item is first created. It appears after the new item is submitted. I want to recreate this...
Hi InfoPath devs I'm looking to optimise a data connection query in my form so I don't get slow load times or the critical error - default values or rules taking too long to evaluate, simplify the expression or reduce the size of the data sets that they depend on. I have a sharepoint browser...
Hi Hilary. Thank you so much for your answer, I have attached an example for you to review. In this case, I don't use an Infopath SAVE button, I use the native Sharepoint SAVE button to save the item. Also uncheck the option for the "Value" box to be read-only without any good results....
Hi, I am trying to override a field value that has a default value which has been pulled in from a data connection. When the field is blank I want to set the value "N/A". My form field is a text field that is pulling in a date from a library data connection and then taking a substring of it...