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InfoPath Dev

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  • How to query data in a Sharepoint list & populate it to it's Infopath Web Part view on a button click ?(Custom Code Only)

    So I have a SharePoint 2010 List with a InfoPath for m consisting of around 25 columns to be displayed. I also have a Button on the InfoPath which basically does the work of copying all the data of the specified ID back to the InfoPath so that the user can make the necessary changes & submit the...
    Posted to Code (Forum) by Akash Deep on 03-20-2018
  • Shrink to fit text in a textbox control

    Hi All, I'm trying to figure out a way to have the text shrink to fit a fixed width textbox. The form is being converted to PDF for printing so the textbox controls on this form cannot be auto resized. I'm pretty sure I have to do this programmatically in the code behind. Any ideas or suggestions...
    Posted to Controls (Forum) by jlmann on 08-20-2015
  • InfoPath 2003 to InfoPath 2010 migration

    We have InfoPath 2003 templates in SharePoint 2003. These templates are with code behind files. Now we need to migrate the InfoPath 2003 to InfoPath2010 and from SharePoint 2003 to SharePoint 2010. What should be steps to convert the form templates from InfoPath 2003 to InfoPath 2010 and migrate the...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by yasha on 03-12-2015
  • How to refresh DropdownList in InfoPath 2010

    I'm using cascading dropdown list and I want to refresh each dropdown in the on change event For example: I have two dropdown list, in the first one I have the following options A,B,C in the second one I have D,E,F if I select in the first DropDown option A I want to refresh the second one and so...
    Posted to InfoPath 2010 (Forum) by ereyes on 08-25-2014
  • How to set a Value in a column in a repeating table Programatically C#

    Hello there I've got this code but it has 2 problems: 1. The double value gets and "Only numeric fields are allowed" 2. I can't find the way to repeat calculate throught all rows in the table... Heres the code: public void cambios(){ //Navegacion entre campos XPathNavigator navform...
    Posted to Code (Forum) by j0rt3g4 on 05-29-2013
  • how can i develop a custom control for infopath 2010?

    Hi, I whould like to know how can i develop a custom control for infopath 2010? generaly i need a button which will call a web service and will transfer to him some of the forms fields values and then the control will handle the ws reply/ How can i do it? I need all of that to be in a control so it will...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by hagai on 06-12-2011
  • programmatically set fields in a repeating table

    Hello, I have created a form for taking orders from our dealers that is based on an XML schema. I need them to be able to paste their order lines into one text box and use code on the form to parse that out into each xml line for item qty and item id. I have the code working to set the fields from the...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by trishaa on 03-02-2011
  • user data input saved to template

    Not sure if this can be done but after you complete a form. Lets say you have a drop down list, and it has some values. Can we, overtime, have the data that users input be integrated in to that form so that lets say we are choosing from a field called Vendors which I currently placed only 2 options,...
    Posted to General (Forum) by momk15 on 11-29-2010
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