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I am not sure if this is more a SharePoint question, but the whole thing began with InfoPath forms, so I will start from there. My site has two SharePoint lists; one I'll call the "Scheduling" tool, and the other the "Order Change" (OC) tool. The former will have an always up...
DBXL v3.3 Release Notes This document contains a list of known issues, troubleshooting hints and workarounds for a variety of issues related to Qdabra’s DBXL. If you would like to download a trial version of DBXL, please go to the DBXL Download page in our website or contact for assistance...
Submit to DBXL anonymously using SubmitDocumentWithKey The Anonymous Web Service allow usage of Submit web service for Cloud Platforms/Services. The objective of this document is to introduce you to the SubmitDocumentWithKey operation on the scenario where SharePoint is on a different server/domain from...
DBXL Azure Installation Guide This document includes a step-by-step walk through of how to install DBXL v3.3 on Windows Azure. If you would like to download a trial version of DBXL, please go to the DBXL Download page in our website or contact for assistance.
Im in the process of trying to make a process when each time i tick a checkbox, type in a text box, select from a drop down menu and also a date picker, where it populates and gets removed depending what's selected or typed in each field in a separate textbox I.e Check 1 Check 2 Textbox1 Textbox2...
In this training, we'll be teaching ways on how FormsViewer can help you migrate your InfoPath forms in a web browser and demonstrate how you can open your forms in SharePoint's modern UI. We'll show you how to use FormsViewer Designer, where you can modify your templates in the browser without...
DBXL v3.3 Installation Guide This document will guide you through the installation of DBXL v3.3. If you would like to download a trial version of DBXL, please go to the DBXL Download page in our website or contact for assistance. Last Updated: 03-14-2019
hi everybody, I have an InfoPath form which associated with a form library and 10 items were created in it. I need to update the form that only template change and existing forms don't change (I want to change the value of one field that read the value from another field in the form ). I tried the...
My InfoPath form has multiple repeating tables that I want to save to separate sharepoint lists. Is this possible using Qdabra SaveToSharepointList? Can we have multiple Mapping files? What is the best way to accomplish what I need?
Bonjour Dans mon formulaire InfoPath j'ai un tableau extensible rempli via une connexion de données SQL (secondaire) , mais j aimerais y ajouter une contrainte via une variable ( ou autre) en fonction de la valeur d un champs de ce formulaire ! Requete connexion de données secondaire du tableau extensible...