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When using InfoPath, the default DATE data type does not have a input recognition when entering only digits such as (41315) to (4/13/15). How to change the user input automatically of number/digits into a date format?
Hi Patrick, I need to do the above explained scenario as I have a multi select list box - which needs to get its values from an external list based on some values entered in other fields in the form. Can anyone help me with this ?
Woo hoo - I think I got it. This ended up being a data type mismatch issue. I had No set as a number, but my option button and combobox set as text. I tried changing all of those to numbers (which is a throwback to Access has you handle comboboxes - you bind the Primary Key to you combo's data value...
I did just now find a data type mismatch where my No field is defined as a number while my option button was defined as text. I changed the option button to a number and saved those changes, but continue to experience the same problem when the filter is present - no data appears in my dropdown. There...
I am editing an existing form that is part of a workflow in SP 2010 environment and I need to add a few more fields & controls. However, the Main fields (mFields) are locked. How do I go about editing this form and adding the new fields and controls? I have scoured the web and have only found an...
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