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Hello, any insight on the following is greatly appreciated... Situation : If "User A" accesses a previously submitted Form and "User B" tries to access the same Form, "User B" will recieve the following message: "The form cannot be filled out because you do not have...
Hi all InfoPath users, I have been developing for the last couple of months a complex SharePoint site, which number of InfoPath libraries. Currently I am experiencing something very strange. I have a form document which is opened from the main form with the help of NewFromSolution. I copy some field...
Hi everyone, i'm new here - and to infopath. I have a question that I think I know the answer to (can't be done without VSTO). I have an Infopath form that will be deployed in a browser, and on it - there are a bunch of check boxes and radio/option buttons. I have a text box that I want to list...
Hello! I have been pouring over this site and also googled my fingers to the bone looking for a solution to my problem. I am trying to attach a file to an IP 2003 Form. I have created the Attachment Control and figured out how to create the file I need via jscript. I then have code that creates an email...
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