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Similar situation to JohnZ: I have Office 2013, InfoPath 2013, VS 2012 and VSTA for VS 2012, SharePoint Enterprise Server 2013. I've been coding in C# for several weeks within the same form without any errors. Today I tried to open the Code Editor and received the "Famous InfoPath has encountered...
When I publish the form to a SharePoint-site and try to open it with Internet Explorer, the browser prompts me about a script that causes the browser to run slowly... Mozilla Firefox on the other hand doesn't complain... But when I change in Registery it doesnt complaing and also I have diable the...
I Guys, I have a similar problem. I am trying to display all error validation messages onSubmit. The code I am using does kinda work, however, its giving me the namespace of the item instead of a field name or custom name. for example instead of displaying: "StatusDate cannot be blank" its...
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