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InfoPath Dev

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  • Switch Views via Code and Rules

    There will be times when you will want to switch views during unsupported events, such as the OnAfterChange event. Due to technical reasons in the underlying platform, InfoPath only allows you to switch views during the OnLoad event and the OnClick event handlers for buttons in the form or on toolbars...
    Posted to Greg Collins (Weblog) by Greg Collins on 06-10-2005
  • Keep Track of List Selections

    At some point it might be necessary to keep track of order of the selections a user makes in a single list box or drop-down list box. You can accomplish this by writing your own code in an OnAfterChange event handler, or you can use rules. In this task we will create a list box and track the order of...
    Posted to Greg Collins (Weblog) by Greg Collins on 06-09-2005
  • Use Code to Determine a Rule Condition

    One of the great and power features InfoPath provides is the xdExtension prefix. This feature allows your form to call into your code from areas like conditional formatting. It provides you with greater flexibility in determining the validity of a condition than is available from the InfoPath UI only...
    Posted to Greg Collins (Weblog) by Greg Collins on 09-15-2004
  • Order of Processing at OnClick

    In InfoPath, the order of processing when a user clicks a button is: Rules Code When you write your OnClick event handler, take into account that any rules associated with the button will be processed before the code is reached. This can be very useful, but can also create some headaches if not understood...
    Posted to Greg Collins (Weblog) by Greg Collins on 07-15-2004
  • Populate a Drop-Down List Box via Code

    NOTE: This article was written for the original InfoPath 2003, which did not support secondary data sources. You can still use code to populate a drop-down list box, but the better approach is to have the drop-down list populate from a secondary data source, and then use code to add nodes to that list...
    Posted to Greg Collins (Weblog) by Greg Collins on 07-12-2004
  • Avoid an Endless Loop During Event Bubbling

    Event bubbling means that when an event, such as the OnAfterChange event, happens on a particular data node in an XML tree, that event is passed up to the parent node, and then the grandparent node, and so on, all the way back to the root node. Thus the event "bubbles" up the tree. Consider...
    Posted to Greg Collins (Weblog) by Greg Collins on 07-07-2004
  • NewFromSolution Does Not Cache Forms Correctly

    Steps to repro: Create a jscript Form A with the following code attached to a button OnClick event handler: var oXDoc = Application.XDocuments.NewFromSolutionWithData(XDocument.DOM.documentElement, sSharePointTemplate, 1); where sSharePointTemplate refers to the xsn in your form library, for example...
    Posted to Patrick Halstead (Weblog) by Patrick Halstead on 07-03-2004
  • The Case of the Missing PI

    DAY 1 (2004-06-24) I was just working with a set of forms where a non-managed code (i.e. JScript)—hereafter referred to as NMC—form launches a managed code (i.e. C#)—hereafter referred to as MC—form and passes in its data using the new InfoPath 2003 SP1 method NewFromSolutionWithData...
    Posted to Greg Collins (Weblog) by Greg Collins on 06-24-2004
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