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I am having trouble opening a web enabled form after adding some custom code to it. The code works fine when I preview the form in design mode but once I try and open the form on SharePoint I am prompted with an error. I am uploading this form as a Site Content Type in the Publishing Wizard. The fields...
Hi, I am creating a print button in InfoPath 2010 form. It is web browser only form (Not InfoPath rich). What or How do I code print function? this.Print() is not available for web-based form. Thanks.
Hello, I have a Meeting Minutes Infopath Form with A repeating section ( MeetingMinutes ) that contains a repeating table ( AttendeesList ) that contains two columns ( Attendees [text box] and Absent [check box]. the repeating Section has many other fields but one of interest in this issue is a running...
Hello there, I have 3 connected dropdown lists in my Infopath form. Selecting values from the first dropdown filters the entries in the second one and selecting a value in the second one will filter the entries of the third one. When selecting a value the second dropdown I get the "Object reference...
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