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Is there a way I can disable the InfoPath form while I run commands in the background that are updating SQL Server tables via C#? Like what you can do with VB : Application.ScreenUpdating = False If not does InfoPath have a progress bar I can call that I can update while the processing is being done...
I am having trouble opening a web enabled form after adding some custom code to it. The code works fine when I preview the form in design mode but once I try and open the form on SharePoint I am prompted with an error. I am uploading this form as a Site Content Type in the Publishing Wizard. The fields...
This is the control I want to populate - . I'm trying to populate the field under "Work Checklist" with values from a SharePoint list while leaving the other columns with those blank controls to allow for input. Here is the code I have -
Hello, i have an infopath and i want to use some fields in a specific sharepoint webpart. When i promote the repeating table fields the field is promoted as a string field so it's limited to 256 chars or something like that. I need some help about the best way to pass the repeating table merged fields...
Is there a way to pass parameters into an InfoPath FormControl hosted in a WinForms/WPF application the way they can be passed via a URL and the command line? Our forms depend on parameters passed to them on startup to execute a custom data connection to pre-populate them, but the control does not appear...
I'm currently working on an InfoPath form, for one section of which I need to include a folder browser dialog. Since this isn't included in the standard control list I'm trying to create one. I'm working with Visual Studio 2008 & InfoPath2003 (SP3) - This is the company's preferred...
I'm getting error/exception from setting default value for dropdown list. Here is what I'm doing....... I have a dropdown box that is populated from repeating node values in the form. //***This is to create values for the repeating node. string myNameSpace = NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace(...
Hi Hilary, I was revisiting this issue because I ran into a problem when running the code. To update, here is the code I adapted to C# from your post earlier: public void CTRL_createSites_Clicked( object sender, ClickedEventArgs e) { //Get the value of the text box that holds the number of rows to add...
Hi, I was wondering if anybody knew if there is a way to have a rule operate on the selected node in a repeating table without performing the rule on the rest of the nodes. I realized that this is a major drag on the performance of my form, considering the multiple views with multiple repeating tables...
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