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I have a user that has been granted Contribute access to a list. This user can edit any record using infopath, view records with infopath, change views, create a new item using the datasheet view: everything except create new item with infopath When the user clicks New Item system throws an error that...
I have a library that is over 5000 items and cannot be reduced or split up. I've set up an index in SharePoint by Created Date which allows me to view the list without seeing a LVT message. The problem is that I have a button on the form with a rule to query this library. When the button is clicked...
Hi. I'm using InfoPath 2013 and my template is saved on my desktop. I was testing the form before I got too far. After I made some changes to the template I saved it and went to test it again and got this error: The update cannot continue because you have several [form name] forms open. Please close...
Hi, We are having issues when a user tries to submit a large(94kb) InfoPath form. It says "sending data to server" for a couple of minutes and then times out. QRules is used for this form. Other smaller forms submit without any problems. There are also other heavier forms that are only large...
Hi all! New here - very desperate to get some help before the 1st of Feb as the form I created is going to be rolled out to thousands of staff at my office - just want to ensure everything will go on smoothly. So I created a form from InfoPath 2013 which is programmed to submit to a Share Point site...
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