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I have a form that has a date picker. I have the form being sent via email, in the subject line I have -> concat("New form", " - ", startdate) Startdate is field on the form for that date picker. I would like the email subject to come in as "New form - 4/1/2022", sadly...
Creating a form to send to leadership. Looking in the email submit spots, how to get it to CC back to the sender.
I have searched the site but have not been able to find a clear solution to what I am looking for. Please bare with me here, I am fairly new to InfoPath as well.
I created an InfoPath form to be used in place of a SharePoint List library form. In the InfoPath form I setup to generate an email...
Hi, I've seen a couple posts regarding the compatibility issues with switching views from for to an email view and not displaying the envelope fields to add\remove recipients, edit subject and sending the email. All my eggs are in one basket with this application and I've been hopeful seeing...
I have an InfoPath 2013 form which I make available to users through a SharePoint Foundation 2013 page. Because it is SP Foundation, there is no InfoPath Form Service available and no Web View, so I use the InfoPath "Submit" to email the form to a predefined list of users. Everyone who fills...
On opening a submitted InfoPath 2013 form via its SharePoint Form Library, a form displays as designed (correct formatting etc), whether fully or partially populated. However, when viewed via email (Outlook 2010)*, the formatting is broken because populated multi-line text field's do not word break...
Hi, I have browsed the forum but don't seem to get the correct answer (maybe its not possible to do it this way). I want to create a form (name, surname, birthday) that gets sent to users (as an attachment) who then open the attachment, fill in the form, and submit it. The submitted data updates...
Hi All, I'm still pretty new to InfoPath and I'm trying something a little above my level and need assistance. I'm creating a form with an approval workflow attached to it. How it essentially works is a user fills out the form and then submits it by clicking the Submit button at the bottom...
Hi all! New here - very desperate to get some help before the 1st of Feb as the form I created is going to be rolled out to thousands of staff at my office - just want to ensure everything will go on smoothly. So I created a form from InfoPath 2013 which is programmed to submit to a Share Point site...
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