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InfoPath Dev

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  • ShowModalDialog displays blank window

    I have an onClick event routine (vbScript) for a button as follows: Sub TestButton1_OnClick(eventObj) Dim retVal retVal = XDocument.UI.ShowModalDialog("DiaglogHTML.htm", XDocument) MsgBox "retVal =""" & retVal & """" End Sub The html file contains...
    Posted to Code (Forum) by jd422 on 07-17-2018
  • Convert *.xml from a template in PDF

    Hi sorry but my English is not so good I hope you understand me…. I get many times XML Files and I must “convert“ them to PDF for my Company. So I create a XSN (Form Template) and I like to make a „makro“ that choose all XML files, add my XSN and save it to PDF. Can you please help me to make the...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by Anonymous on 05-04-2015
  • Programmatically Copy Data from Secondary Data Connection into Main Data Connection

    I am having trouble copying data from my secondary data connection into my main data connections repeating table, below is my code for adding an item to my main data connections repeating table: Private Sub AddItem( _ ByVal Car As String) Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument() Dim group As XmlNode...
    Posted to General (Forum) by hayer89 on 01-09-2014
  • Re: Populate main table from secondary table

    I'm trying to use the second approach that uses the qRules' Insert command, but I am having difficulty getting it to work. Maybe its because I am using a database as the main connection instead of an XML connection? I've attached my InfoPath form with the QdabraRules inside the form. Would...
    Posted to General (Forum) by hayer89 on 12-31-2013
  • Re: Populate main table from secondary table

    Thank you for your help donstephen, but I was looking for the secondary data source fields to be submitted into the main data connection into separate records, not one large concatenated entry, please see the attached example of what I am trying to do. Basically trying to copy the fields in a secondary...
    Posted to General (Forum) by hayer89 on 12-31-2013
  • Re: Populate main table from secondary table

    Thanks donstephen, the approach is what I am looking for, however I need to populate the same field multiple times from the Secondary data source.
    Posted to General (Forum) by hayer89 on 12-30-2013
  • Re: Populate main table from secondary table

    Thanks for your reply donstephen, just to answer your question my button is located within the repeating table, I am however unable to open your sample form as I only have InfoPath 2007 SP3 to work with. The code is: Public Sub CTRL151_4_Clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ClickedEventArgs) Dim...
    Posted to General (Forum) by hayer89 on 12-30-2013
  • Populate main table from secondary table

    I am trying to populate My main table which only consists of one field from a secondary table automatically when a button is pressed. It is throwing up an error on this line: MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode( _ "/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields", _ NamespaceManager).AppendChild...
    Posted to General (Forum) by hayer89 on 12-19-2013
  • Passing parameters to an InfoPath 2007 form

    I've seen lots of forum posts about this, but it's not clear if this functionality is available using VBScript. I want to pass a parameter to a form in the URL. This is what I am trying based on some code examples I found. my URL is
    Posted to Code (Forum) by littleriver on 04-12-2013
  • Re: Working with ActiveX Drawing control in Infopath

    Patrick, Thank you for writing. Yes the customer's name begins with "S". I will contact our customer to see if I can give out his full name and e-mail to you. How can I reach you directly ( outside the forum ? ) You can reach me at Jeff A T BTis DOT com He is interested in using our MetaDraw...
    Posted to Controls (Forum) by Jeff Bennett on 11-25-2012
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