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When a form is ready to submit, I would like to like to click one button and have the following be performed [needs to happen in this specific order] Run a “web service” already setup within the data connections section of the form. This web service gets the next Change Management reference number. Now...
Hi friends, I have the below code that runs for my submit that is running off of a button. Does anyone know how to (what to) put to stop this from running and give an error message if the form is open as read only? I am getting row update errors if someone trys to submit it as read only, there ends up...
Hi guys, I am still struggling with a timeout error due to a slow network on my 2003 form. I have come up with the below code (never written code in Jscript before) and now I am getting an error, Data Connection not defined. Can anyone tell me what lines I am missing? XDocument.QueryAdapter.Timeout=120;...
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