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I am looking for help on what I am doing wrong when publishing a created form to a network location. The form I have created has several connections that retrieve and submit data to an SQL database. I have saved these connections in subfolder as the infopath form. I have saved the form as a normal save...
Hello. My form has a button that should send some of the data via email without sending the actual form. I tried loads of things example, using submit option but it still sends the whole form. I need it to email only the data that has been entered the form. Example: forms asking date,time,name, so i...
We have had forms implimented in our department for four months or so. We have a new error message that has popped up; I've only seen it once, but I'm not sure how to fix it. The message that comes up is " InfoPath cannot submit the form. Call was rejected by callee." We are using an...
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