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Hi, I am having difficult populating a document URL in a sent email. I have a form library in which a user can create a new form. I have started a workflow initated by a form being created. I then need to send an email with the url of the form that was created. I would usually just use "assign a...
Hi, I am having extreme difficulty in making my workflow work. I am creating a workflow that will grab an email address from a text box field in an infopath form and use that email address to assign a to do item. I can make the workflow work the first time. My difficulty is after it works the first time...
Hello All, I have a nice question I have a form that needed to be signed. One way to do it is to add an "attach file" Control and the user will press on it, upload HIS signature and that's it. Is there any way to make that when the user will press on "Sign Now" button, it will...
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