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Hi, - I am going to post this as I have written it all up.... but I have fixed it - by working through Ernesto's post I think this is a permissions issue but cannot be sure. I have...
This shows the configuration for the DBXL webservice. The tns:xml parameter is the field which contains the whole document in the database. Select entire form and save data as a string.
To Submit Documents to the database via DBXL select the SubmitDocument Operation of the Webservice.
Example of creating a new data connection to the DBXL webservice. http://<server-name>/QdabraWebService/dbxldocument.asmx ,
Example of configuring a Submit button to submit to the DBXL webservice.
SubmitDocument has three metadata fields that accompany the document; name, author, and description. These should be given values to describe the document in the database. You can use fields from the form, create concatenated values, or use secondary data to provide these values. When setting up the...
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