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Hello in my info path form I have a repeating table that is connected to a share point list as a secondary data source. in SharePoint list there is a calculated column that actually acts as hyperlink with below tag: ( ="<a href='http://www.3isco.local/_layouts/15/FormServer.aspx?XmlLocation...
In my form I have a drop-down list that is connected to a SharePoint list like below Items:
**Doc** **Rev**
Doc-0001 00
Doc-0001 01
Doc-0001 02
Doc-0002 00
Doc-0002 01
Doc-0003 ...
Hi All,
How to make one form section required by requiring users to choose at least one of the checkboxes?
I have a form that has several sections but I want the users to choose one of the checkboxes out of a section as mandatory before moving on or submitting the form.
I hope someone can help...
I have an existing InfoPath form document library and in testing my conversion to FV noticed that when I use the JavaScript code to redirect the template to FV, editing the Web-part is view specific. I have a "Terminate" State in a form and for confidentiality reasons only allow forms in this...
Hi everyone, i can tell you, I am totally desperated about my Infopath form for my sharepoint list. What I want to do with it: With my form I want to add multiple items (rows) to my sharepoint list. I have my base data of my work package (called Basisdaten) which includes a lot of work tasks (called...
As you might know InfoPath renders all hyperlinks on SharePoint page with target="_blank", which results in opening a destination URL in a separate tab/window. Here is a simple workaround with use of JavaScript (jQuery) and Tab index. I'm using Tab index to make my link "special"...
How to Query Non-Default Properties in GetUserProfileByName This document explains the steps on how to query non-default properties for GetUserProfileByName in SharePoint O365. Click download above to obtain this document. Last Updated: 2020-05-15
I have an InfoPath form that is the template for an xml form library in SharePoint. In that form 100's of photos are visualized (a secondary data source of another SharePoint list with photo absolute encoded URL as field). For some reason, some photos are visualized, and some are not. It's not...
Hi community, It is my first post. I have used InfoPath before, but only forms linked to SharePoint lists. Now I have an Access database that saves outsourcing activities of the company. I want to design forms that adds new records to the database (new outsourcing proposals). Ideally, the next step would...
Hello, I am pretty new to InfoPath and having trouble with the following task. I've read through some of older posts with similar inquiries so I apologize for posting a similar question. My project has a SharePoint site where users can input information and "Submit and Close" the form....