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Hi All,
How to make one form section required by requiring users to choose at least one of the checkboxes?
I have a form that has several sections but I want the users to choose one of the checkboxes out of a section as mandatory before moving on or submitting the form.
I hope someone can help...
I have a form that works well. I enter information and hit the save button and it is submitted to an existing SP list. I want to add a submit button that will send whatever information has been added to the form without saving or submitting the form. The form was created to track quotes for jobs and...
I'm using InfoPath 2010 and I'm having a problem trying to create a dropdown list to switch views. In addition to the "Back" and "Next" buttons on my form, I was first thinking about having a column of buttons on each page with the ability to click to any page by clicking...
I have an InfoPath 2010 form with 4 views. The form is a survey with a lot of radiobutton controls and at the bottom of each view there is a button for switching to the next view and so on. If I run this form in Infopath filler the form works as expected. That is when I click the button at the end of...
hi all m working on infopath form which connected to share point list. m trying to add information in repeating table using C# code. on button click all information is pass to repeating table & dynamically repeating table add new row & fill all information but at point of adding row in table...
Hi friends, I have the below code that runs for my submit that is running off of a button. Does anyone know how to (what to) put to stop this from running and give an error message if the form is open as read only? I am getting row update errors if someone trys to submit it as read only, there ends up...
I looked through Almeida's post about using a button to open a web page however that solution is not working for me. My IP form is being hosted on a SharePoint 2007 Forms Server. I have a button on my IP form that uses rules and custom code. When the button is pressed the form should: 1) update a...
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