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Hello, I am having the SAME EXACT issue. Was wondering if you ever found a solution?? Amy Jo
Awesome. The first link really helped me out and I'm disappointed that it only appeared in 1 of the 10+ posts I saw regarding filtering SharePoint lists for browser forms.
Hi! I'm adding in an browser-enabled InfoPath Form dynamically with C# items, which works correctly. I setted the DropDown Source to Fields of the Form ( MainSource ). Via C# OnLoad() event i add my items dynaicaly: //-- set value of dropdown item tempNode.SelectSingleNode("my:" + XPathField...
Hi, Does any one has worked with Sharepoint in built Web services and Infopath. I was trying to get some MOSS list data directly to my Infopath form (without code behind), I came across 2-3 web services which can be used to achieve this. http://<MOSS Server Name>/_vti_bin/DspSts.asmx?WSDL http...
Hi, I have some lookup lists on my Moss team Site like states and cities. Now Cities List contains a column as State within it. While fetching data for Cities in Infopath web based form using Secondary datasource, I want to filter tha data for a particular State. I need to show this data in a dropdown...
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