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DBXL Quickstart FormsViewer Use this XML Template Part (XTP) to quickly add DBXL functionality to your forms. Submit to DBXL Load documents from DBXL Convert non-UserKey QueryDB queries to use UserKeys The package includes: The DBXL XTP Documentation DBXL XTP Overview (English, Japanese) How to Add a...
This document details how you can generate a DBXL key so you can use Qdabra DBXL WithUserKey Services. To obtain the document, click DOWNLOAD above. A free trial of DBXL is available on .
The QueryDBWithUserKey web service, included in Qdabra's Database Accelerator (DBXL), allows you to obtain data from SQL tables and use it in your InfoPath forms. This document is the User Guide for anyone interested in learning more about QueryDBWithUserKey. To obtain the document, click DOWNLOAD...
Here is my scenario: I have created a Timesheet form in Infopath 2010 that has a receive data connection to a SQL database, which I set up through DBXL. The SQL table my form is connected to contains a hierarchy for my company. In the form, I have a dropdown box that lists all of the Employee ID Numbers...
If your DBXL instance needs to use SQL connection strings that contain sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords, you can use this simple encrypt tool to convert them into an encrypted form. To obtain the document and the tool, click DOWNLOAD above. A free trial of DBXL is available on Qdabra...
The QueryDB web service, included in Qdabra's Database Accelerator (DBXL), allows you to obtain data from SQL tables and use it in your InfoPath forms. This document is the User Guide for anyone interested in learning more about QueryDB. To obtain the document, click DOWNLOAD above. A free trial...
The QueryDB web service, included in Qdabra's Database Accelerator (DBXL), allows you to obtain data from SQL tables and use it in your InfoPath forms. This document is a tutorial demonstrating the usage of QueryDB. To obtain the document, click DOWNLOAD above. A free trial of DBXL is available on...
Hi, Please download the attached sample XSN. It uses QueryDB to retrieve attachments from SQL. Below are some guidelines on how you can try and test the form in your environment: Change the DBXL Submit and the QueryDB data connections to your server's. If you're using filters for your QueryDB...
QueryDBのDynamic Query で取得した値を含むフォームをWSSへ保存すると、WSSのライブラリーのコラムには値が表示されますが、そのフォームを開くとフォーム内の値は空白で開いてしまいます。 データを残したいのですが、データ接続の設定の際に、フォームにデータのコピーを保存するにチェックを入れても、作成済みのフォームをWSSから開くと空白になってしまいます。 何か良い方法があれば教えて下さい。
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