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Hello all, I have a a dropdown list control bound to the main data source in a SQL server. I would like to make the wild card query to the table by Supplier Name say Abc* and then pick only one record from the result set. In addition, the other fields in the form will be updated based on the record selected...
Hello all. I have concat a string from repeating table textbox separated by a Semicolon ";" .ie Sam;Stela;Jon;Methues Now my requirement is to remove a string as Jon.Then i remove Jon with the help of translate function as translate(., Jon, ""). But Semicolon is remaining. I am also...
Hi! I've created a form that gets submitted via an email to a shared inbox and also gets logged on a sharepoint site. Within the form, there is a hyperlink that opens up a new email which is suppose to reply all. My issue is that the xpath to grab the recipient address and subject which is stored...
Hello! I had published an InfoPath form to a document library on MOSS farm.The form has some code for saving with a custom name on the doc lib. The clients use the form to fill out some data then by pressing a button, it is saved to the doc.lib. It has been working ok for about 2 years. However, one...
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