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I'm using InfoPath Form Libraries, the infopath files uses UDCX files to get the data. InfoPath files and UDCX are in the same site collection and in same server "Server A". Now when I try to access the InfoPath files from "Server A", the InfoPath files works perfectly. But when...
When I test my workflow form in Forms Services, I am getting the following DataAdapterException error: 04/04/2011 10:01:12.49 w3wp.exe (0x06CC) 0x0D8C Forms Server Forms Services Runtime - Data C 82fx Warning The form could not retrieve data from ItemMetadata because it would violate cross-domain restrictions...
Hi guys, I'm trying to initialize a task form (in my workflow) with values contained in my infopath form (the global one if I could call it like this ^^). For example, I've a worflow which is activated on a command from a client. The first task is assigned to the client, he has to fill in a form...
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