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  • When submit the infopath form need to open an another infopath Form

    I have a Infopath Form to Submit Basic infomation, When submit that form, based on the inputs and current user create a new form using another infopath template. Please guide me how to open another infopath Form using infopath code behind (c#)
    Posted to Code (Forum) by Jenkins on 11-05-2012
  • Multiple Views/One Form

    Hello -- I am creating a checklist that contains over 70 milestones, each milestone can have upwards of 10 tasks with a status, completed by and completed time respectively. Each milestone is a view within my form. My concern is that the more fields I create on the views, the slower the response time...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by klscott on 08-08-2012
  • Display Terms and condition in InfoPath Form

    I am new in Infopath and share point. I design a info path.In Info path have one button When user click a button it open a .doc or .pdf file from share point 2007 site Please help me
    Posted to Data Connections (Forum) by johnraj on 03-12-2012
  • Repeating Table: Force all rows to have same value for one column

    Does anyone know a way to have all the rows of one column of a repeating table to always have the same value? Say the user changes the value in the first row for that column, then all the other cells in that column change to have the new value. (Preferably this will happen if a user changes any cell...
    Posted to General (Forum) by aajames on 11-17-2011
  • Store Values from a SQL Server Query

    Hi, I currently have an InfoPath 2007 form that is being used to retrieve and update records from a MS SQL Server 2003 database. These records are then being filted based on the current user that is logged in. One table, referred to as CDR (Call Detail Records), has a line item for each call that the...
    Posted to SQL Database Integration (Forum) by JohnNeo on 04-05-2011
  • Re: Infopath form does not fill sharepoint site column as expected

    Chris, I'm having the same issue, although my setup is a bit simpler: I've got a Form Library with a few custom columns added. One of these custom columns is a lookup to another list on the same site (linked on the Title field, not ID). Then I created a simple InfoPath test form, and using it...
    Posted to SharePoint Integration (Forum) by DaveD on 07-02-2010
  • InfoPath 2007 Form Submit to SQL Server Fails

    I created a test database on my SQL server. It has one table with two fields - a "unique record ID" and a field called "Name". Then I setup a new InfoPath form based on the database. It does allow the Submit option. I dragged the name field to my form, previewed the form, entered...
    Posted to SQL Database Integration (Forum) by InfoJunkie on 06-22-2010
  • Re: how to add xsi:nil = "true" attribute

    Thank you for the quick response Jimmy. I added TOTAL_LENGTH_1MM .CreateAttribute("xsi", "nil", NamespaceManager.LookupNamespace("xsi"), "true"); to my code, but now I am getting this message System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code Message="Schema...
    Posted to Code (Forum) by golden_shiner on 05-10-2010
  • Low Perfomance opening Forms in closed network

    Hi, I have some simple signed forms which I can open on my developent environment rather fast, but If I install dem on our reference system, which has a close dnetwork with no access to Internet the forms are opened very slow. Sometimes it takes more than one minute since the form is opened. there is...
    Posted to General (Forum) by stritti on 01-19-2010
  • Multiple SQL 2005 DB into InforPath 2007

    Hi there, 1st of all I am fairly new to InfoPath and am learning as I go so please be patient with any 'silly' questions! I have done a search for this on many forums and google and not found anything but if it has been covered then I appologise for the duplication and welcome the forwarding...
    Posted to SQL Database Integration (Forum) by sql_dan on 11-30-2009
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