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I created this InfoPath form that is linked to SharePoint. The form works great and is usually succesful but once in awhile, if there are too many characters/words on this one text box, It gives me an error message (with no details??). I can put as many words/characters in every other text box, its just...
I am new in Infopath and share point.
I design a info path.In Info path have one button When user click a button it open a .doc or .pdf file from share point 2007 site
Please help me
Hi, I currently have an InfoPath 2007 form that is being used to retrieve and update records from a MS SQL Server 2003 database. These records are then being filted based on the current user that is logged in. One table, referred to as CDR (Call Detail Records), has a line item for each call that the...
Hello, i have an infopath and i want to use some fields in a specific sharepoint webpart. When i promote the repeating table fields the field is promoted as a string field so it's limited to 256 chars or something like that. I need some help about the best way to pass the repeating table merged fields...
Chris, I'm having the same issue, although my setup is a bit simpler: I've got a Form Library with a few custom columns added. One of these custom columns is a lookup to another list on the same site (linked on the Title field, not ID). Then I created a simple InfoPath test form, and using it...
Note : I am fairly new to creating forms using InfoPath and I have zero experience writing code. Here is what I want to do: I am trying to create a form where our store managers can submit their location's payroll information each month. We already have a SharePoint list containing all current employees...
What I want to do is create a SharePoint document library folder based on values in an InfoPath form. I have a console app that copies a folder from a template folder. When I add this code to the submit event, I recieve the following error: The Web application at http://moss64 could not be found. Verify...
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