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Hi - is this a list form, or a library form? Sometimes with promoted properties, it can be tricky to get them squared away - so if a library form, I'd probably remove both fields and republish. Check the library to be sure the columns have been removed. If they haven't and this is a new form / library, you may just want to try publishing ...
It has been many years since I've looked at VBScript for InfoPath... but I'm wondering what happens if you leave that line of code that is resetting the gobjXDocument commented out? I'm curious why that variable is being set and then reset.
Right click each radio button and set the value for the radio button to the value you want to send :)
You could add a rule prior to the send email rule in the Submit Rules to add the shipment information to the subject line. The sample form is setting the subject field based on the selected equipment - but you could add a single rules before sending the email that has a condition to check that the delivery status is not blank, and if it is not, ...
Oh wow - especially if it is in pictures, that seems really painful. Sort of an oddball thought - do you suppose if you provide an LLM like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, etc. with your picture and with a sample XML, it could create XML for you? That may save you a little time - depends on how much work it is to fill these out. :)
The form and a couple of screenshots are in the attached ZIP. Hopefully that will help you see what I changed. :)
Oh yikes. So the email has just the view data? But the XMLs have gone missing?
Ok. So you could move the rules on your "Send" button the form's submit options. Then hide "save" on the ribbon so users have to always use that Submit button on the ribbon. Then your email should always send. Attach your latest form, I can help adjust this.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. There is a "send" button on the ribbon? Is this the submit button? Did you move your rules to the Submit rules for the form?
Do you mean the "save" button from the ribbon? We can't run rules on that. You may need to hide those options from the ribbon in the form's settings, so the user always has to use your "Send" button.