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And does that list have a column that is person / group for selecting these approvers? Or is the display name just typed in?
Ohhh, that makes it harder. InfoPath doesn't have any options built in that would get you that display name. Where does your dropdown get its data? Is it hardcoded, or from a list?
I don't know about using workflow / impersonation for this. In terms of just showing / hiding a button if the person who opens the form is the one with permissions, here's a simple sample form. Save the attached form locally then right click the saved form and select Design to open in Design mode. You don't mention if you are using ...
Oh, I'm sorry! Are you using FormsViewer on-prem? I think you are... what version of FormsDesigner do you have? You can find that from the upper right hamburger menu -> About FormsDesigner. Please email to schedule a FormsViewer update - it seems like it may be a good idea to get you updated. In the meantime, I can ...
Sorry for the delayed response - hopefully you found this, but if not, there is a button for Publish Location that lets you change this - see attached screenshot.
Thanks. I ran a quick test and can see that FormsViewer does not display the person as selected if either DisplayName or AccountId are blank. One thing you might do is just leverage a little UI work-around. First, put the person picker in a section. Then, hide the section if Display Name is not blank. Next, add another section - hide this one if ...
Interesting. If you look at the file in a text editor, what fields for the person picker are populated? i.e. is there information for the account ID as well as the display name?
Also - here is a command overview for qRules that has additional info - some of this is intended for the old version that was added to InfoPath forms, but should still be helpful:
Here's a forum blog post that is more about images, but has the general command syntax info, as well as info on how to add the attributes:
You could also check our YouTube content - this command has been around for a while, so some of what ...
In FormsViewer, you can use the SaveToSharePoint command, which will save the attachment to a specified library and replace it with a link in the form. This really helps with form size - smaller XML files open more quickly! In terms of how to get attachment data from the base64 for InfoPath, I've used a custom logic app for that. You can find ...