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Hello:My .config looks like the first part of yours -- with my sql connection string stored in a setting element:
<setting name="SQLConnectionString" ...
Hi, Charlie:
I would expect this line:
var selectedNode = doc.selectSingleNode("/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/dfs:Project_Metrics_Library/@Project_Name=['selectedField']");
to look more like this:
var selectedNode = ...
You can create a setting to store the information, which will place it in an app.config file in your project.
To add the setting, go to Project/ ProjectName Properties in VSTA. Select the settings tab. If you have no current settings configured, there will be link in the center of the page you can click to create the app.config file. Now ...
I can't think of a way to do that with data validation -- even if you format the field to display the day of the week the value of the field will be the date. It could be done with code, of course, if you are not adverse to that approach.
Whoops! I see I was a bit late to the party! :)
You can do this using the concat function to concatenate your fields (along with the .xml extension) and translate to remove the dashes from the date. Select the Insert Formula button next to the text box for the name. In the Insert Formula window, select Insert Function. From the available Text functions, select concat. The first field ...
I am a little confused as to exactly what you want, but I would guess that if dropdown list 1 = Software, you would like Ali and Guler in ddl 2, and if ddl 1 = Hardware, you would like Fatih, Omer, and Mesut in ddl 2. Is that correct?
It sounds like you have your dropdowns set up correctly, filtering 2 on the choice made in 1. If you add ...
InfoPath 2007 has a combo box control which will allow a user to select from a list or type a new value. This feature is not supported for browser forms, however. In Infopath 2003, I have used a text box and a drop down box in tandem with conditional formatting to simulate a combo box.
The drop down would have an entry labelled "Add ...
Here is a sample that will add rows to a repeating table, with the following caveats -- the table will already need to exist on your form with a single blank row. Also, there is no error handling in this code, and nothing to handle for a user entering something that isn't an int into the text box. However, I think it might be enough to ...
The code in my first post is C#. The function you have mentioned is jscript. For jscript, the code would be:
var viewName = XDocument.View.Name;
var field = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field1");
field.text = viewName;
This can go in your switch view event and will display the name of the view in field 1.