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Beautiful! Glad you got it!
For Visual Studio 2003, this webcast might be helpful:
For more information about Visual Studio 2005 with InfoPath 2003, try this link:
Do you mind posting a screen shot that shows your secondary data source schema from the taskpane in InfoPath?
So you are using InfoPath 2003? I think in that case you need to use Visual Studio to develop a C# solution....
Hi --
I'm not entirely positive what you mean by your question, but if you are asking how to set your form to use C#, you can follow these steps:
Under the Tools menu, select Form Options
Select Programming
If there is already a project attached to the form that is not in the language you want, select Remove Code (if it is script, ...
Could you post screen shots for me of your data source task pane to show me your schema? I do understand what you are trying to do, and was successful in the test form I used prior to responding to your first post. For my form, there is a secondary data source providing the options in the drop down list -- are your options coming from your ...
I did this to iterate and show values for fields under a group:
var group = XDocument.DOM.selectNodes("/my:myFields/my:group1/my:group2");
while( (groupfield = group.nextNode()) != null ){
if (groupfield.hasChildNodes()) { ...
I can replicate this error by changing the name of the setting in my .config file while still requesting the old name in my code, however, my project won't build. Please verify that the name of your setting in your xml matches the name you ask for in your code:
<setting name="SQLConnectionString" ...
Okay -- the reason you have only row of data for your query is with each execute you are retrieving only the records related to that particular row's query. So, let's say your first query was the SQL equivalent of "Select * from MVKE where MATNR = '000000.....16' and VKORG = 'EG01' ... " and that query retrieves a ...
To your first question, that was an oversight on my part -- I didn't realize that your variable field3 was a string, holding the value of the node you had selected. So those lines should be:
and so forth.
To your second question -- we can create an XPathNodeIterator for d:MVKE, and ...