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Hi caramba,
Can you give the detail explaination.
After selection of a value in the drop down list where you are getting the underline.
Hi sohan10,
make a rule on the first drop down as
set the condition as dropdown1 is not equal to ActivityValue in the xml then
click add action and select the "set a fields value" in the Action dropdown and In the field text box select the dropdown2 and leave the value text box as empty and click ok 4 times.
for every selection of ...
Hi Aye Caramba,
Once check the conditional formatting on the field that you getting the underline. If the field is set to underline remove it.
Hope this will help you.
Hi Grazzers,
In the first combo box select the "first combo box field" and in the second combo box select "is equal to" and in the third combo box select the "Activity Value".
You will get the result.
You are Welcome Caramba.
Hi Gazzer,
Take the connection of the xml and take two combo boxes.
Double click the first combo box and select the connection and in the entries text box select Activity value of the xml and click ok.
Double click the second combo box and select the connection and in the entries text box select Analysis value and click the filterdata button ...
Hi Aye Caramba,
Instead of "," put "\r\n"
like this
Instead of "objField2.text = objField2.text + ", " + eventObj.Site.text;" write "objField2.text = objField2.text + "\r\n " + eventObj.Site.text"
hope this will help you.
Hi gneal,
Try out this link to your requirement
Hope this will help you.
Hi Grazzer,
Try out this,
You will get the out put that you need.
Hi aehicks,
instead of "set x = CreateObject("")" try
var x = new ActiveXObject("Wscript.Network");
It will work