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I have created a form that is connected to a sharepoint website. I was wondering if there is anyway of printing out this form from sharepoint? Can I add a printing feature onto the form or something?
I didn't notice it until after I posted the question.
I have a form that has two views, the default view, New Item, has some secondary data source fields. I would like to add another field that gives the user the ability to attach files. How can I create a file attachment field through xml and/or how can I add this field on the main data source? Also this form pertains to a sharepoint list.
The thing is that it is still "registered" as a string data type. As you can see from the picture.
Attached is my form and I have a XML secondary data source. From it I have a field named "HotRevision_Temp", this field I want to work as a check box so that when the save button is pressed, I can set "DesignHotRevision" in the Main data source equal to "HotRevision_Temp" from the secondary data source. The ...
Thanks for replying. That worked!
In the New Item view, the default view, I have a secondary data source field which I want to use as a drop down list (Inventory Disposition). I am editing the choices but for some reason I can't set any of the choices as a default. What am I doing wrong?
I have a repeating section in my form but there are some repeating sections that I don't want the Insert Item to appear. I know that one can select the "Don't allow users to insert or delete this control" feature when selecting the section, but this still allows the user to see "Insert Item". I would like to make it ...
This is a XML secondary data source and I want use the button to set it equal to now(). The button does its job but I want to know if I can somehow format the outcome?
Okay, it didn't seem to work the first few times for seem reason but it works now. Thanks.