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Thanks so much Hilary! That worked!
I'm trying to troubleshoot a control in an infopath from that seems it once query'd data from a data connection (to Oracle). It should work like this.... There is a PO# text box where someone can enter in a PO# and is should query a supplier name within another text box once that number is entered in. I can't seem to get it to query ...
A trigger? Like a powershell script or something? Too, being green to this, how do I locate or check for it?
Thanks Hilary! I just uploaded and sent your way! Thanks again... :)
Good morning Hilary! I was just wondering if you ever received my email with the form attached? I just want to make sure it was sent successfully...
Thanks Hilary! I'll send it right over!
I have been trying to brake down an infopath form we use to see how notifications are sent out once an approver from a certain dept. approves. I have checked all workflows that exists for this form and for the life of me I am not able to match what is being sent out by this form! Its looks to be a notification sent once a button is ...
I have an infopath form that needs to query countries from an Oracle DB. I made the web connection using the 'Database MS SQL Server only' option in the wizard and selected what needs to be pulled from the DB but it seems to only work in preview mode. When I open the form in the browser, I get a msg saying that ' An error ...
Would it be possible to email you to show you exactly what I mean? I don't know how else to explain without showing you (w/ screenshots) but also, don't want to display company info online.
So I was asked to trim characters in the form name after the form is submitted. Is this possible? The form uses an external list (SetOfBooks) in sharepoint that is part of the concatenation (below). I need to be able to trim the characters down 16 characters but not sure how to even apply that to the example below... ...