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Yes they look broken in InfoPath designer, i tried creating a new list and a new form in design mode but its still that same.
Its on the same machine wher i have my sharePoint and Infopath Designer 2013.
i used Published form in browser.
in the published form (in browser) when clicking Add new item or edit item the controls are not broken.
Thanks for you response
The image is from the InfoPath Designer.
WHen working in InfoPath designer all the People picker controls seem like broken links. i Have contacted SharePoint Admin to look into the issue, he did run Sp config last night but its still not Fixed.
I have an info path form with multiple views, and on every view i have at least 5 people pickers. they were working fine until yesterday, but this morning when i open the form in infopath i get error on People picker fields(Controls). on the controls there is a cross sign. ALso i tried to enter a new people picker which gave me the same error. i ...
Try using an action rule on Submit instead of a validation rule.
if user name is equal to the combo name then submit the form.
you can disable the submit button by using a formatting rule.
it should be in ur workflow?
to better understand the issue here,
on the mileage section you want to get external data? where is external data required?
do u have another list for the accounting group to update their info?
Try to delete the condition and run the workflow again.
Yes, It si possible by using Xpath on the properties.
In my most recent experience using infopath form publishing to a forms library using a publishing wizard to create a copy(Dev version)of the same list.
I created a dev forms library using the InfoPath form publishing wizard i experienced that if you create a forms library using wizard, any OOTBx columns or workflow columns will not be ...
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