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Well either if I use a rule to set my textbox's value when the button I created is clicked or if I do it in code after it's clicked the textbox that my sections depend upon on to show visible or not doesn't get updated until the code is finished running through everything....
Is there a command to refresh the form ...
Yeah that does make sense. I'm doing something like that for some of my fields within the form. So I'll see if I can get that to work.
The rule didn't seem to work. For whatever reason it didn't seem to switch the view until after my code ran and I'd still get an error. It was rather ...
So I got the Form to switch to my update view when the code begins. And at the end I check to see if I'm still on that form and attempt to switch back. I got a com error. I looked it up and it says I can't switch views multiple times within code supposedly. Which seems like a very odd limitation. Below is my code to switch ...
Yes it is currently a web form and yes I am submitting this off of a button. My button calls other procedures though. I read about switching views before but am unsure how to do that since this is my first InfoPath form. But I'll start looking into that more seriously now.
Is there a way I can disable the InfoPath form while I run commands in the background that are updating SQL Server tables via C#?
Like what you can do with VB : Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If not does InfoPath have a progress bar I can call that I can update while the processing is being ...
Thanks again Hilary! You're a rock star! That seems to be working!
Glad I found this forum!
I'm trying to send an email from InfoPath after my code has run updating the tables I have on the back end. I got this to work with SMTP but in order for that to work my form would need to be set to Full Trust. So I started trying to work with ADO Query and call a stored procedure to do this. Problem is when I call the ...
Thank you very much for your insight and help. Your suggestions worked and I was able to get my form working!
Thanks for the tips and I believe this is working. But since I am a newbie to InfoPath and XPathNavigators I have run into a stumbling block. The execute works. And it looks like I'm grabbing the data I want right now. Although this is a basic example of what I'm doing and will need loops in the future. ...
That's one thing I couldn't figure out. The connection.Execute() does work. But how do I get data from it and pass it to my forms fields? The only way I could get this to work is what you see in my code.
If I could get the connection.Execute() to work then that would be nice.