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I've tried to create a loop through workflow that will update the 'Date Last Inspected' column in a SP List whenever a new infopath web form is uploaded to a SP library.
Each form that is uploaded to the corresponding SP form library has a unique ID. When a form is uploaded the workflow should fire, and update the 'Date Last ...
I have recently converted to SharePoint 2013. I have found information that implies SP2013 can now display a column that auto-populates the current date everyday (see link below).
I have formulated a list with a 'Current' column, in which I would like the attached workflow to populate the current date. The workflow has an initiate and ...
The following error message pops up when some, not all, users try to upload an InfoPath form to a SharePoint library. Does any one have any ideas of where to start?
The form cannot be submitted because of an error. Please try again. If the issue continues contact the Office.
Click OK to resume filling out the form. You may want ...
To date I have been working with SP10. We have recently migrated to SP13. I have a systems list (by Location No.), with certain columns (Last Inspected and Reported By), that are auto-updated through a SP workflow when a web based InfoPath form is submitted by the user.
In SP10 I would use the list Asset ...
I have two lists that both have "Compliance' and 'Status' columns. The List 1 columns are updated by a SP designer workflow every time a new InfoPath form associated with that list is uploaded.
Is there a way to automatically update the corresponding 'Compliance' and 'Status' columns in List 2 ...
I have three forms similar to the attached. Each takes about 1 minute to open. Can you recommended any changes to the form data connections, rules or queries that will allow the form to open more quickly?
I have tried to 'uncheck' the automatically retrieve data checkbox, and then create rules/queries that will trigger repeating tables to ...
I have a personnel list with several qualification columns. Each qualification has a corresponding Status column (status can be either Compliant or Noncompliant).
The status columns (basically the entire sheet), are updated once a week through the use of a calculated column. I am trying to create a workflow that ...
The column only gave me '0' when I choose a park that has 14 systems with 8 compliant (the totals are manually counted and configured by me in the list.
If doing what I'd like it to do, the column you worked on would also read 8, in this case.
What I am trying to do is get the column you worked on to automatically ...
PWR Annual Fire and Life Safety System ITM Compliance List.
Here is the form where the data is displayed. There is a repeating table, center page, with 'No of Systems' and 'Systems Inspected'. The information comes from one of two lists; 'Park-wide Compliance', on which I manually add the totals after updating the 'Park A-123 Compliance List', which has 'Park ...