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  • Date() plus 3 days

    Hey all, I'm trying a condition and don't think it's working right. What I'm looking for is: ''If [start date] is less than 3 days from today, display ''72 hours'' in a message box. The condition that I have tried is: [start date] is less than ---&gt;''today()+3'' &lt;---this a formula, which hasn't worked so far. If I take the ''+3'' off then ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 08-17-2005
  • Rule & Condition Manager

    I think it would be nice to have one particular place where you could view and manage all of the rules & conditions that you have on your form. The forms that I have created are pretty involved with a buhc of rules. Unless, of course, there's a way to do this now.
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 08-17-2005
  • Change Highlight Color

    Hey all, When using a Master/Detail table, is there any way to change the color that Infopath uses to highlight the record in the Master table? Currently it highlights gray and I wanted to know if I could change that to a more astetically pleasing color.
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 08-08-2005
  • Re: automatically send email notification

    If I enter; won't that send the email to ''''? What I'm trying to do is have the oEmail.To=A Bound Field, that way whatever email address is in the datafield at the time of submitting gets the email sent to them. I hope that makes sense.
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 08-08-2005
  • Re: automatically send email notification

    Thanks Agni, two more questions for ya... 1. How do I set the ''To'' and ''Cc'' fields to be bound to datafields? 2. When I enter ''Xdocument.DOM.xml'', I get an error that says ''Xdocument is undefined''. Any ideas?
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 08-08-2005
  • Re: automatically send email notification

    When I use your code, I get the following error: InfoPath cannot open the selected form because of an error in the form's code. The following error occurred: Expected ';' File:script.js Line:24 EmailAdapter oEmail = (EmailAdapter)thisXDocument.DataAdapters[''Submit''];
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 08-05-2005
  • Re: automatically send email notification

    Hey Agni, is the code that you posted in Jscript?
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 08-05-2005
  • Re: Compare main field to any repeating secondary fiel

    Hopefully we're both missing something simple here... I have an Access table, [Users], that has the following fields: [kingID] [username] [passsword] I have created both a main and a secondary data connection to the table [Users]. In my form, I placed the field, [q:username] from the main datasource. I also placed the field [d:username] from ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 07-28-2005
  • Re: Compare main field to any repeating secondary fiel

    Well Agni, I hope and pray that I am just missing something, but for some reason, everytime I set up the above scenario, the rule fails, thereby incorrectly compairing the main datasource field to any occurance of the field in the secondary datasource table. Any ideas??? BTW, when I compare the main datasource field, value=''1'', to a field in ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 07-27-2005
  • Re: Rule to disable edit

    Richard, From what I've learned with developing InfoPath forms, there is no quick way to make all of the controls in a view disabled, which means you'll have to put a rule on each one. There is one workaround that I use often though, In you're View Mode (which you want disabled) make all of your fields Expression Boxes. This way the data can't ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by wcotech on 07-26-2005
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