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Hello Patrick,
I could solve my problem. I'm thanks a lot for your helpness. I will send source code to be knowledge for other people.
function dolink()
var para1 = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode(''/my:myFields/my:para1'');
var oExcel = new ActiveXObject(''Excel.Application'');
oExcel.Workbooks.Add ...
Thanks for your reply. I would like to pass value from Infopath's Optionbutton to OptionButton in MS-Excel's Visual Basic tool.
And I have another question is I want to send data from repeat table to MS-Excel by inserting new row automatically which I will code jsscript program in submit button. And I have my coding in ...
Would you help me about passing data from infopath (office 2003) to optionbutton in MS-Excel 2003?
Thanks a lot. :)
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