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Modifying a column from within your workflow should trigger workflows that start when the item is changed.
It sounds like you are doing a lookup that returns multiple results. When editing your workflow, you will normally get a warning when queries can possibly return multiple rows. Filter the lookup to restrict the results to one row.
I suspect that having the form open is taking a lock and preventing deleting. Why having a close rule would behave differently than without isn't clear.
The template has several long values, mostly used to store currency amounts. The last two promoted properties, Gross Asset Value and Net Asset Value are both longs. I would try first removing those.
I would expect that just removing the promoted property that is type 'long' would be sufficient. Can you send the xsn to support at qdabra dot com for us to check?
Thank you for the post Tenbau, you have uncovered a bug with promoted properties. I have entered this into our bug database and it should be fixed in DBXL v2.8 slated for release in the near future.
There are multiple ways the SSL site may have been configured.
1) An extension site, which will have its own site in IIS.
2) Port 443 could be added to the SharePoint site, and you add an alternate access mapping with the host name (
3) An ISA server or similar forwards external traffic to the ...
If all users can access the secured site, it is best to uninstall DBXL and then reinstall to the secured site using the existing DBXL databases. Then resave all your doctypes in the DBXL DAT tool so that the XSNs DBXL data connections point to the extranet.
SharePoint also does some auto transformation of urls when you have alternate access ...
Thanks for the info. The SharePoint timer job that updates the form template must not have completed successfully. It would be nice if it gave an error when the quick publish was done.
What type of Active Directory authentication are you wanting to do? Are you just needing to verify a user alias?