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I have a SP List and I've copied the data to a repeating table in my main data source. I then filter the data based on checkbox selection and I'd like to copy only the filtered values to another repeating table. How can this be accomplished?
I'm attempting to copy a SharePoint 2010 list to a repeating table in InfoPath 2010. I get an error in InfoPath (except for the first result) that only 'true' or 'false' is allowed. I bound the field from the SharePoint list to a text box in a repeating section to see what value was being passed to the checkboxes in the ...
Thanks Ernesto, that's exactly what I was looking. Works like a charm now!
Is it possible to overwrite or update a list item using SubmitToSharePointList? Am I missing something simple?
I feel like it just takes me asking someone for me to figure it out. I have the filters working exactly how I want them now! While waiting for your reply I used this expression and it seems to be working.
(../../my:Select_Project_Type/my:Project_Type_New_Site = string(true()) and contains(my:task_types, "NS")) or ...
I want to copy all the data from the list to the repeating table and then filter it in the form. I could have confused you by just metioning that. Copying the list data to the repeating table works just fine (love qRules)
Using a filtered XPath is exactly the route I'm going now, but I'm not getting the correct results based on the ...
I have a repeating table that I've copied to my main data source from a SharePoint list using qRules. This works great, but I need to filter the table results based on checkboxes the user might select.
Initially I had 4 boolean columns in the table to match the checkbox options. I've gone back and forth between conditional formatting and ...