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Because I need to add the qRulesLastModified attribute to the id field of a table, does that limit the repeating tables I can refresh in a form to one? Would adding a reference to this field be a work around?
I solved my XPath problem, but now I have an even bigger problem. I received an error "Functions position() and last() are not supported." I'm using InfoPath 2010 and the form is not web enabled
I got this far but I'm having a problem with the set field as well. Here is my XPath:
../../../my:task/my:tasks[../my:Copying = string(true())][position() = count(current()/preceding-sibling::PM_Tasks) + 1]/../../../my:task/my:tasks/my:Title
The error I receive is ""preceding-sibling::PM_Tasks" does not point to a valid ...
Cool. Thanks again for your help Hilary!
I think so. So you're saying I need to have the id field in the same repeating group as the rest of the data? It's not enough that I am going to put the id field is in a seperate repeating group?
Your response totally lit the lightbulb off for me. The fields are in a repeating table but the ID field is not. Long story short, I have the ID field in a different group (non-repeating) as I needed the columns to match a previous table the data was copied from before submitting it to my SP list. If I move that ID field to its own repeating ...
Do these functions only update the last list item? Can I not update the entire list from a repeating table or could I be doing something wrong? I'm using /mode=Update in the RefreshSharePointListItems cmd.
I might just be over complicating things. It might just be easier to add a 'select' checkbox to the repeating table so I only have one field to test before using the CopyTable command for my final destination.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Hilary!
Additionally, is is possible to have multiple filters in the rowsrc parameter?
For example:
/rowsrc=my:group2[../my:Checkbox1='true'] OR [../my:Checkbox2='true']
I am using CopyTable.
Can the filter on the rowsrc parameter compare two fields? If so, I think that will be my solution.