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Hi Hilary -
Thanks for your reply; I'm a little slow in responding since I got pulled into other stuff but have finally returned to this.
Unfortunately, this doesn't take into account that we need to restrict it by market... so if i have 4 dates for the US market and 6 for the UK market, I want to show the first three ...
I have a nested repeating section - my schema looks like this:
myFields gpBrandsgpBrandDetails (repeating) gpContainergpRepeating (repeating)
I want one of my form views to only show the first three milestones for each Market while the entire list appears on another page. When ...
Ok, so now the truth is about to come out here. :-)
I'm really trying to implement a sort of the inner repeating table using the code I found here:
It works fine if i have one row in the outer repeating table, but when I have more ...
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for the reply. Bummer that you're not providing code support anymore. Or at least for me it is...I suppose it makes your job a little easier. :)
Unfortunately, I read through the documentation and it is clear that I won't be able to install it due to restrictions imposed by my company. I ...
I am trying to use the DeleteRange method in my form to clear out a repeating table. The repeating table is nested in another repeating table, like this:
gpBrands (group)
gpBrandDetails (repeating group)
gpContainer (group)
yup - the end goal is to remove all milestone dates that have passed, but still have the space for 3 milestones. A form can have multiple brands, each brand has up to three milestones. If they have less than three, there should be a blank row to add the third date. Users cannot add or remove rows. Right now it removes the past date and leaves ...
Thanks for the reply Hilary.
The solution does not have to be codeless.
This morning, I finally did figure something out by way of code, but I'm not 100% happy with it.
What I did was as follows (still using the code based on your posting that i mentioned in the initial thread):
//Add the milestone rows to the xml
A full day later and I'm no closer to figuring this out. Does anyone else have any ideas? I'm kind of desperate.
Hey Patrick,
Thanks for the speedy response. I love that trick; it hides the past date quite nicely!!
However, since it hides the rows, I need to have a blank row added to the end so that there are always three rows available.
As I mentioned, I do not allow the users to add or remove rows to the table; is there a codeless way ...
I'm working in an IP 2007 client form.
I have a repeating table that tracks milestone dates. It defaults to 3 rows and I have disabled the users ability to add or remove rows.
We have forms for a bunch of different countries; at the end of each quarter, we merge them all together to create a global form. When the forms ...