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  • Re: Can you use Visual basic script to delete all repeating rows of a node?

    Found the solution! While Me.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Form_Container/my:SET/my:SET_Members", Me.NamespaceManager) IsNot NothingMe.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Form_Container/my:SET/my:SET_Members", Me.NamespaceManager).DeleteSelf() End ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 02-15-2012
  • Re: Can you use Visual basic script to delete all repeating rows of a node?

    Hi,  I'm using Visual Basic. Not VB Net or VBScript. Under the form's Tools-Form Options-Programming- Programming code, it is listed as "Visual Basic".  To explain things, I have a Group: SET which has a Repeating group called SET_Members and it has a string field: "SET_Mem_WinID". For existing forms, ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 02-15-2012
  • Can you use Visual basic script to delete all repeating rows of a node?

    Can you use Visual basic script to delete all repeating rows of a node?  What I tried was:While Me.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Form_Container/my:SET/my:SET_Members[last()]/my:SET_Mem_WinID", Me.NamespaceManager).Value <> Nothing ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 02-15-2012
  • Using AD groups for form user roles

    Hi,  We have been using AD groups to determine a user's user role for our forms. However, for some users, despite belonging to the right AD group, their group membership is not detected and thus they are not recognized via the form's user role.  Is there a limit to the no. of levels for a nested AD group to be recognized? i.e, ...
  • Re: Is there a way to detect AD username upon form launch?

    Hi Patrick,  Do you mean set the rule to update the field value with the GetMyInfo data connection? Hmmm, shouldn't this be done when we check the box "Update this value when the results of the formula is recalculated". This check doesn't seem to do the recalculation. Now that I reread the statement, I'm wondering what ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 06-14-2011
  • Re: Is there a way to detect AD username upon form launch?

    Hi Ged,  I have tried that method but it does not work for me. The field only populates with the initial form author, subsequent updates on the form does not change the field values. I've checked the box, "Update this value when the results of the formula is recalculated". Am I supposed to check that ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 06-06-2011
  • Is there a way to detect AD username upon form launch?

    Hi,  Is there a way to detect AD username upon form launch? Something like when you submit the form using DBXL, DBXL is able to detect which user submitted the form. However, instead of a post event, is there a field on the form that stores this data? Understand that you can use GetMyInfo to get Value[Key = "displayName"]. ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 06-05-2011
  • Re: Updating user roles for submitted forms

    Hi,  Does anyone has any advise on reloading a form such that the latest loading event can populate a repeating table which is used to determine user roles?   Thanks, Zhen Yuan
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 03-22-2011
  • Re: Updating user roles for submitted forms

    Hi Patrick,  I am back and stuck at this same problem again. Found out that we can't use AD groups (our address book is shared globally and thus the need to restrict the number of AD groups is very real).  Therefore, we have a "solution" but we are not sure how to make it work. 1) The form design we have now has ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 03-21-2011
  • Re: Updating user roles for submitted forms

    Hi Patrick, That is possible also, but we have other roles like approval manager in the form which changes according to certain field selections. If we use AD to determine some roles and form values to determine others, should a person belong to both roles, we found that the roles derived from form values will overwrite those from the AD. This ...
    Posted to General (Forum) by ZhenYuan on 01-26-2011
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