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OK, I have the formatting accomplished. I set a "kit" check box in my table. Sub items are checked by default (value of 1). Sub items also have the same "GearID" as the main item (all other, individual, non-kit items have unique GearIDs).
When a main item is ordered ("need" = or > 1), I run ...
Never mind. I needed to concat in the field. Here's what the formula that works looks like -
concat("SetValue /xpath=/my:myFields/my:Pullsheet/my:PullSheet/my:Kit[../my:GearID='", GearID, "'] /value=0")
I want to set the value in a repeating table of any row that has a value that matches the value in the current row. So if the GearID in any field = teh GearID in the current field, set Kit (another field in the row) to 0.
I am trying this formula with no success -
SetValue ...
Thinking out loud now -
What if I include a "Kit" Checkbox in my table. The main item will be checked by default (set on sharepoint). If someone orders 1 or more of the main item, it will check the kit box (or set it to 1) for the following items with the same gear id? Then just format on that. Or visa versa ...
OK, so if GearID = preceding-sibling::PullSheet/GearID hides all the sub items by default. Now how do I get it to hide those sub items only if the first instance of all of those repeating values has a specified value in another column?
So what I'm thinking is, all items in the kit will have the same unique gear ID. If the top level item (the main item) has a "need" value of 0, then all the sub items will be hidden. But how do I determine (in an expression) what the top (first) instance of a particular gear ID is? How will I hide all BUT the ...
Yeah, my syntax was off. Thanks.
I have a repeating table that has two seperate drop downs for hotel occupant. When the check in date is changed, I want it to change the date in another table for travel information, where the value to be set is filtered on the person. Here's what I tried to do -
concat("SetValue ...
I need to have default values in multiple areas of my form. The problem is, after a user edits the form and saves it, the next time it is opened those values are refreshed.
Is there a way to add a condition to the default value, so that - if strFilename = "" , then apply the value?
Although this scenario uses copy table, this isn't a QRules question. Please don't move!
I use copy table to pull in a SharePoint list for a gear order form. This table has multiple columns for ordering gear and sorting the table, such as "need", "spare", a unique gear ID field, and ...