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I have a 2ds table in my form. I select items from this table with a quantity field, then copytable over to my main data source if quantity is greater than or equal to 1. I have formatted the rows in my 2ds to be shaded if an item has already been selected. I want to also show the quantity of these items in my 2ds based on what ...
I created a search box to search my secondary data source. I'm displaying my 2ds table in my form. I want hide rows if a field in my table contains the search field. However, it seems to be case sensitive when I test it. Is there a way around that?
It seems that I need to somehow get this - translate(my:field1, ...
So by using reference tables, they are completely seperate tables? Seems odd that they can have the same field names. So I reference to group2/referencetable, I also have group1/referencetable, and group3/referencetable. When I do a CopyTable to group2/referencetable, it's only going to iterate through that group's ...
Hmmm, something happened, and the original table DID NOT have field types. No problem, though. Once I changed the main one, all the others changed automatically.
Is there a way to NOT include a blank row in the table by default?
Yes, some of them were boolean and integer fields.
OK, cool, I see how that works. It doesn't keep the field types, though. Everything is 'string'. Is that normal?
Essentially. I already have one table in my main data source created to copytable into. I copytable from a secondary data source. What I want to try (mostly for testing purposes), is creating up to 10 tables with the same schema in my main data source. I will have 10 copytable commands that run on conditions. So my ...
Yeah, I want to make creating the field in the datasource faster. I need new tables with the same schema as the table I am copying. They need to be separate tables, though, as I am going to conditionally copytable to them.
I need to create some new tables in my form that are identical to other tables, but with different field an table names of course. Would it be easier to do this by modifying the source files?