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Qdabra also has a tab xtp available on their site
I realize this post is a bit dated but perhaps you are still looking for a solution.
Try modifying the kickoff on your workflow to restart each time the form is modified. Another option would be to use the update document function in Nintex.
You should be able to create a data source for the people with a field that contains their role, title, group, basically whatever will designate their ability to view and/or edit. Then use that field to filter the query on the projects and organization forms that fall under their profile.
I ride a Honda VTX1300c
I don't think Design Checker would show an error on on the form needing to be illed out in the Filler. Are you getting an error about managed code?
Could you place the form and associated files in a shared folder?
I don't believe it is out of the scope of the program but it would be quite complicated. You might want to download trial versions of qRules and DBXL which could help you avoid any manual coding. If you feel the form is beyond your capabilities, you may want to consider consulting services to create the form then teach you how ...
Have you checked to make sure all the rules are there and the same as the original?
You could do this either by assigning user roles and restricting access by the role. Then you could set up your form as different views or sections that hide or unhide based on the user role.
You coud also do separate forms with a link in the main form that would only be active for certain individuals, either by user role or perhaps ...
Have you tried configuring this through the form submit options without using code?
Can you please post the text of the error you are getting?