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Hello there,
I have a form in wich I filter some data from a sharepoint list to populate a textbox. But it happens most of the time that the filter returns nothing, and when it happens, there is this big ugly "NaN" appearing in the textbox.. I would like to put 0 instead of "NaN" so I can use this value to do some ...
In fact, the onChanged event of a repeating section (or table) will be triggered when ANY of the fields inside it is changed. So if you change your selection in the first row of your repeating section, the calculation will trigger. But you need to put a relative XPath instead of the full XPath (eg : \my:dropdown instead of ...
Ok, put this code on the OnChanged event of the repeating section and delete it from the event of your drop down.
What I meant is put your calculation code in the changed event of your repeating section instead of putting it in the changed event of your name dropdown box.
You will probably have to set conditions in your code so the code will trigger only if there are values in your drop down boxes.
It will look like this:
if(yourdropdown is ...
Try to set your changed event on the repeating section instead of on the control.
To insert a page break, you go Insert --> page break.
To have number on your pages, you go View --> Header and Footer --> Print settings (tab) --> Header (or Footer) --> Insert auto text --> current page
Are your fieds of text type? I think this may be the issue... They need to be of text type if you want to write in them with code.
First, you need to set an onChange event on your 2 dropdown boxes. To do so, right click your dropdown boxes --> programming --> change event. This will create a visual studio project with an empty function for your dropdown box. In this function, write this code (or something similar) :
XPathNavigator root = ...
You need to set the new value in your "Randamt1" field.
MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("my:myFields/my:Ramdamt1", NamespaceManager).SetValue(Randamt1);
If you don't want the section to show up at all (including the hint), do not use optional section but normal section control and put your conditionnal formatting on it. The goal of the optional section is to let the user open it if he needs it.