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I'd like to deploy a trusted form to sharepoint. Is it correct to state that this must be done using an installable form template?
If i want to create an installable form template can i utilize Visual studio 2008? or must i use 2003 or 2005 .net only?
Thanks this does indeed work. the SQL db was miscoded when that was fixed all works fine.
Is there any way to use the Attach file Control and save the file to a SQL database using a web service?
How could this be done?
We are utilizing a web service to receive data. The web service stores the data where we have 1 key field and 3 associated record fields
Key field / Info A / Info B
Infopath is seeing the data as a repeating field. How can we make it treat this data as a non-repeating field? Is there something special that needs to ...
I have a form built which utilizes a web service to save and retreive data
I use a drop down fields to populate the form.
In cases where a user is reloading a saved form, How can i have the drop down list preselect the value that the user previously selected/saved? Essentially i want the dropdown to be selected to the ...
Can you be more specific. I don't have any coding experience I was hoping for a solution using the infopath tool
I'd like to trigger the loading of a saved form from a sharepoint library as follows;
1. User types in a Form Name (or selects from a drop down list)
2. User clicks submit.
3. A form with the matching Form Name in a sharepoint forms library is then opened.
Using browser based forms only
Assistance on how to do ...
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