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I should mention that my URl includes the URL option NOREDIRECT=TRUE.
This is fixed. The problem was due to SLL being used. To fix I created an identity in the secure store service and configured my UDCX file to sue the secure store ID.
This is resolved. I had to use the following:
xdMath:Eval(xdMath:Eval(../my:Allocation, 'concat(my:txtApprover, ";")'), "..")
I have a couple of owssvr connections in my infopath form. They work fine in the client but in the browser the first try always fails and subsequent tries work just fine. Any reason why the first try would fail for both connections?
I currently have a timesheet that people enter time into a repeating table. The table has these fields
Choice: Job, GL
If they enter time to a GL the GLApprover field will do a lookup and populate the necessary approver's email. if they enter time to a job it will populate the Job ...
I don't actually want to have the field in the form. I did 20-30 tests last night and it worked about two times. This is in production now and I can't have this happening. I have attached a link since my form is over the limit......
If I open the form is preview and paste the SubmitToSharePointList command or GenerateGuid command it works. If I do that same thing in the browser nothing happens. I tested these yesterday in thee browser and they all worked fine. Any idea why the command field would just stop working? Right now I am using a Submit button to set the command ...
I tried that and my form works in the client but in the browser it does nothing.
I was able to find the issue. SharePoint needed the Root CA installed in the Trust to allow for the form to write to HTTPS web service. But now I am having issues with submitting. When I set the command field to GenerateGuid or SubmitToSharePointList ...... I do not get a response. I even tried setting the field to postback always.
I have tried a couple of things. In my QA/Test farm I can setup the web service data connection to submit the the HTTP:// web service and it works fine. However, in production, IIS redirects any HTTP request to HTTPS first so I am not able to use this as a work around. In QA I installed our * certificate under ...